Bujinkan Battojutsu
Kukishinden ryu Biken no ho, Togakure ryu Ninja Biken, Koto ryu Koppojutsu Happo Biken, etc. ...
In Bujinkan dojo we have an immeasurable martial tradition, which covers from ancestral techniques to modern applications of body techniques and all kinds of weapons.
秘剣とは武神館で行われている剣術の総称であり、九鬼 神流や戸隠流、その他の流派における剣の技法を総合させ たものである。従って、通常の剣はもちろん、小太刀や長 大太刀、二刀、更には忍刀の技法までも含んでいる。
(初見良昭 武神館の秘法 - 忍術教伝 武器術編『月刊秘伝』編集部・編)
The term ‘Hiken’ refers to the collective name for the sword techniques practised in the Bujinkan, which integrate the swordsmanship techniques of the Kukishin-ryū, Togakure-ryū and other schools (ryuha). Thus, it includes not only the conventional sword, but also techniques for short swords (kodachi), long swords (chōdaitachi), two-sword swordsmanship (nitō), and even the special and secret use of the ninja sword (shinobigatana).
(The Secret Methods of the Bujinkan by Masaaki Hatsumi - Ninjutsu Teachings, Weapon Techniques Section, edited by the editorial staff of ‘Gekkan Hiden’).
The following videos, although recorded more than 15 years ago, show some basic and fundamental exercises for the training of Battojutsu, Iaijutsu, Kenjutsu, Biken no ho, Ninja Biken and Muto Dori techniques, among others, as well as basic examples of Tameshigiri (cutting test with a real sword).